Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's getting closer

Just two more days and the trailer is will be delivered for us to pack up.  Actually, it will sit in the driveway for two days until Bob gets home on Saturday and we start loading it.  I'm about 75% done with packing.  I really need to get in gear here! 

It's hard to believe that in one week from today we will be on our way.  Time seemed to go so slow for awhile there and now it's flying by.

I'm really looking forward to the warm sunny skies.  It feels like October here and it's been days since the sun has peaked through the clouds. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Sari!! I pray you have an easy trip and a great transition!! BTW, Kerry was offered a job in Irvine....we'll have to see what happens....
