Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 3 (already!)

I can't believe it's Wednesday evening already. Time goes so fast. Today was great. This morning Olivia has an hour and a half of one on one with Beth, and then from 1:00 - 3:00, it was "open gym". This is a time for the girls only (parents must leave) to work with each other, on their own and with the therapists. Olivia enjoyed it.

While Olivia was in open gym, I walked for about 45 minutes on the path around the river then drove around a bit. I was a little early getting back, so I went into a thrift store right around the corner from where the Rehab Center is. The store just opened last week, and it's a pretty cool store. I was talking with the owner, and I found out she just moved her from Rochester Hills and opened this store. It really is a small world!

When we got back to the hotel this afternoon, the gal at the desk asked me if we wouldn't mind changing rooms. We were on the first floor and they are renovating the rooms. They are finished with the second and third floors and are now working on the first floor. There is tons of drywall dust, paint fumes, etc. and they are moving closer to our room, so the manager thought it would be best if we moved, since we'll be here for quite awhile. So, it took three trips, but we moved everything up a third floor room. The room is nicer than the other one, since it is freshly painted, new carpet, drapes, etc. It was more work than we wanted to do this afternoon, but I'm glad we moved.

We walked across the street to Subway for dinner, came back and sat in the hot tub and are now watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 on t.v. We'll be going to bed early tonight, as Olivia's first session is at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Hopefully, I have pictures to post tomorrow.

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