Sunday, June 21, 2009

The weekend in a nut shell

Wow, it's Sunday night already. Bob came in Saturday morning. We got back to Stevens Point in the early afternoon. We Took a walk along the river, and of course saw more ducks. This mama had new born babies. She didn't seem too happy, but she did let me take a picture!

After we walked around a bit, we went back to the hotel. Olivia rested and Bob and I went for a bike ride around town. It was a nice ride. Before we went out to dinner, Olivia and Emily went swimming. It's really nice that she has made a friend! After dinner, we just came back to the hotel and turned in early.

Sunday morning, after breakfast we went out to Mullins Cheese . I thought they would have tours, but they didn't. I was able to get awesome cheese curds though. I love cheese curds. I love how they squeak when you chew them! We headed back to Stevens Point and went to the Stevens Point food co-op. What a neat place. A bit on the expensive side, but a nice place. The bakery was closed, so we'll have to go back during the week. I've heard the bakery is just wonderful. We shall find out!

It was a really nice day. Warm with sunshine on and off. When we got back to the hotel, it started to drizzle and Bob and I thought it would be a great time for a bike ride. Olivia didn't agree, so she rested, when we went out. We went out to the Green Trail at the Schmeeckle Reserve, which is directly across the street from the hotel. It is absolutely beautiful. We took a quick ride through there yesterday, and I nearly got knocked off my bike by an owl! Seriously! That bird flew right in front of me and landed in a tree. Of course I didn't have my camera! I called Bob back and he was able to see it. It was absolutely beautiful. We watched it fly away and continued on our ride. Today, we didn't see any owls, but the deer were abundant. Of course, again, I forgot my camera. This time I was able to get a picture with my phone. It's not too great, but this dear just stood and stared at us. They seem to not be afraid of people at all.

We ate leftovers tonight and will be making it an early night. It's back to the Rehab Center, bright and early tomorrow morning at 7:30.


  1. sounds like a perfetc father's day weekend. Beautiful pictures!!

  2. I love the blog. This is so neat. Awesome way to stay in touch. I love the shopping cart photo. YOu guys are a riot. We miss you guys. By the way, Judah has his first tooth coming in. I am having icecream with Audrey today and I am looking forward to that. It is hot here too, we were able to go swimming and Judah loves it (inspite of the very cold water). He is so much fun... very adventurous. Can't wait to hear more about your time. Love, Becca and family.
